Family: Santalaceae
Choretrum glomeratum
R. Br., Prod. Fl. Nov. Holl. 354 (1810).
Synonymy: Not Applicable Common name: Berry broombush, common sour-bush.
Many-stemmed virgate shrub usually 1-2 m high; branches more or less erect, slender, rigid or flexible, winged by the decurrent leaf bases at least on younger parts, ridged or angled on older parts; leaves narrow-deltoid, triquetrous, 0.5-3 mm long, the tips and eventually the whole leaf often caducous.
Peduncles forming racemes along final branches, 2-5 mm long, bearing 2-5 flowers but only 1 fruit; flowers enclosed at the base by 3 brown or white almost entire to dentate or fimbriate bracts; perianth white (brownish when dry), 1-1.5 mm long; receptacle 0.5-0.8 mm long; anthers almost sessile, c. 0.5 mm across; style c. 0.3 mm long.
Drupes ellipsoid to globular, 3.5-5 mm long, green, distant due to the large number of abortive flowers.
Image source: fig. 82c in Jessop J.P. & Toelken H.R. (Ed.) 1986. Flora of South Australia (4th edn).
Published illustration:
Cunningham et al. (1982) Plants of western New South Wales, p. 224.
W.Aust.; N.S.W.; Vic.
Conservation status:
Flowering time: throughout the year.
SA Distribution Map based
on current data relating to
specimens held in the
State Herbarium of South Australia
No text
Taxonomic notes:
Very similar to the less common C. chrysanthum.
Not yet available