Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia genus Fact Sheet

Family: Amaryllidaceae

Citation: R. Br., Prod. Fl. Nov. Holl. 298 (1810).

Derivation: Greek kalos, beautiful; stemma, crown; alluding to the corona derived from the filaments.

Synonymy: Not Applicable

Common name: Garland lilies.

Bulbous herbs; leaves basal, grass-like, quickly withering.

Flowers in an umbel at the summit of the leafless scape and surrounded by 2 or 3 linear membranous bracts; perianth deciduous, with a short slender tube and a funnel-shaped deeply 6-lobed limb; stamens 6, inserted at the summit of the tube, the filaments winged and the wings united so as to form a tubular toothed corona; anthers basifixed; ovary 1-celled, with 2 or 3 collateral and parietal ovules; style undivided, filiform, about as long as the perianth.

Capsule depressed-globular, deciduous, hard, indehiscent, with a smooth thin pericarp and extruding 2 or 3 embryos.

Distribution:  4 Australian species.

Biology: The ovary usually contains 2 ovules, of which 1 aborts and the other grows until it fills the cavity of the ripe capsule, which has a membranous purplish-brown longitudinally 6-nerved pericarp. 2 or 3 embryos protrude by small holes through the thin coat of the capsule; after the capsule has fallen to the ground and its albumen has been absorbed by the embryos, the latter develop into new plants. A similar method of reproduction in this genus and also in Crinum and Amaryllis was noted by Robert Brown and the content of the capsule was called by him a "bulbiform seed".

Key to Species:
1. Flowers yellow, 20-25 mm long
C. luteum 1.
1. Flowers purple or pink, 15-18 mm long
C. purpureum 2.

Author: Not yet available

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