Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia genus Fact Sheet

Family: Poaceae

Citation: F. Muell., in Benth., Fl. Aust. 7:602 (1878).

Derivation: Greek a, not; streblos, twisted; referring to the awn.

Synonymy: Not Applicable

Common name: Mitchell grasses.

Ligule a ring of hairs.

Spikelets 3-6-flowered, sessile or nearly so in the alternate notches of the rhachis of 1 or 2 unilateral terminal spikes; glumes 2, acute, many-nerved, persistent; lemmas silky-hairy, 3-lobed, the lateral lobes erect and rigid, the central lobe tapering into an untwisted awn, the terminal flowers in each spikelet with the awn reduced or wanting.

Distribution:  4 species confined to Australia, especially in dry country.

Biology: No text

Uses: Provide good stock feed.

Key to Species:
1. Spikes 6-20 cm; awn much exceeding the lateral lobes; glumes unequal
A. lappacea 1.
1. Spikes 3-10 cm; awn very little exceeding the lateral lobes; glumes almost equal
A. pectinata 2.

Author: Not yet available

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