Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
Census of SA Plants, Algae & Fungi
Identification tools
Census of South Australian Plants
State Herbarium of South Australia

Names in the Census are linked to eFlora Fact Sheets. The Fact Sheet output comprises:
  • synonyms, regional and overseas distribution
  • textual information and illustrations from the 4th edition of the FLORA OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA (1986), the 2nd edition of ACACIAS OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA (1992)
    and the 6 volume MARINE BENTHIC FLORA OF SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA (1984-2003); information from these books may be partly out-of-date.
  • current thumbnail distribution maps based on the existing collections in the State Herbarium of South Australia (Infraspecific taxa are not available at this time).
Work on a new, 5th edition of the FLORA OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA is currently on the way, with several chapters already published online.
New and up-dated treatments will be released regularly. Information from this new edition will be incorporated into the eFloraSA fact sheets in the near future.

List of current names and synonyms for the search term
Final data modification on:
Friday 19 April 2024 2:45 AM
Web page created on:
Friday 19 April 2024 7:06 AM



   Spyridium bifidum (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth. ssp. bifidum (Vulnerable status in SA)  EP

– Spyridium bifidum (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth. var. bifidum, partly

– Spyridium bifidum (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth. var. Marble Range (W.R.Barker 7601) W.R.Barker

– Trymalium bifidum F.Muell.

   Spyridium bifidum (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth. ssp. wanillae Kellermann & W.R.Barker (Vulnerable status in SA)  EP

– Spyridium bifidum (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth. var. integrifolium J.M.Black

– Spyridium bifidum (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth. var. Wanilla (K.Clipstone 88) W.R.Barker

   Spyridium bracteatum Kellermann & W.R.Barker  KI

– Spyridium thymifolium auct.non Reissek: SA Census online(Aug. 2015), partly

   Spyridium coactilifolium Reissek (Vulnerable status in SA, Vulnerable status in Australia)  SL

– Cryptandra coactilifolia (Reissek) F.Muell.

– Pomaderris coactilifolia F.Muell. ex Reissek, nom.inval. pro syn.

– Spyridium bifidum auct.non (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth.: F.Muell.(1875), partly

– Spyridium coactilifolium Reissek var. coactilifolium

   Spyridium coalitum Kellermann & W.R.Barker (Rare status in SA)  KI

– Spyridium halmaturinum (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth. var. integrifolium J.M.Black

   Spyridium daphnoides (Reissek) Kellermann (Rare status in SA)  EP  SL  KI  SE

– Cryptandra obovata auct.non Hook.f: Tate(1890), partly

– Cryptandra spathulata F.Muell., nom. illeg.

– Pomaderris spathulata Reissek, nom. inval. pro syn.

– Spyridium spathulatum F.Muell. ex Benth., nom. superfl. & illeg.

– Trymalium daphnoides Reissek

– Trymalium spathulatum F.Muell., nom. illeg.

   Spyridium eriocephalum Fenzl  NL  MU  YP  SL  KI  SE

– Spyridium eriocephalum Fenzl var. eriocephalum, partly

   Spyridium erymnocladum W.R.Barker (Rare status in SA)  EP

   Spyridium fontis-woodii (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth. (Endangered status in SA, Critically Endangered status in Australia)  SE

– Spyridium coactilifolium auct.non Reissek: W.R.Barker(1993), partly

– Spyridium halmaturinum var. halmaturinum auct.non (F.Muell) F.Muell. ex Benth.: Canning(1986), Barker(2005), partly

   Spyridium glabrisepalum Fenzl (Endangered* status in SA, Vulnerable* status in Australia)  KI

– Spyridium eriocephalum Fenzl var. glabrisepalum

   Spyridium halmaturinum (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth.  KI

– Cryptandra halmaturina (F.Muell.) F.Muell.

– Spyridium bifidum auct.non (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth.: F.Muell.(1875), partly

– Spyridium halmaturinum (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth. var. halmaturinum

– Trymalium halmaturinum F.Muell.

   Spyridium latifolium Kellermann  SL

– Spyridium eriocephalum var. eriocephalum auct.non Fenzl: Barker et. al (2005), partly

– Spyridium sp. Finniss (J. Kellermann 653 & F. Nge) Kellermann in Clowes et al.(2022)

   Spyridium leucopogon (F.Muell. ex Reissek) F.Muell. (Rare status in SA)  EP

– Spyridium eriocephalum Fenzl var. adpressum J.M.Black

– Trymalium leucopogon F.Muell. ex Reissek

   Spyridium nitidum N.A.Wakef.  EP  SL  KI  SE

– Spyridium spathulatum auct.non (F.Muell.) Benth.: J.Willis(1973)

– Spyridium spathulatum (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth. var. microphyllum Benth.

   Spyridium parvifolium (Hook.) Benth. ex F.Muell.  FR  EA  EP  NL  MU  SL  ?KI  SE

– Cryptandra hookeri F.Muell.

– Cryptandra parvifolia (Hook.) Hook.f.

– Pomaderris parvifolia Hook.

– Trymalium parvifolium (Hook.) F.Muell. ex Reissek

   Spyridium phlebophyllum (F.Muell.) F.Muell.  FR  EA  EP  NL  ?SL

– Cryptandra phlebophylla (F.Muell.) F.Muell.

– Trymalium phlebophyllum F.Muell.

   Spyridium phylicoides Reissek  ?NU?id  EP  MU  YP  SL  KI  SE

– Cryptandra vexillifera auct.non Hook.: Benth.(1863), partly

   Spyridium scabridum (Tate) Kellermann & W.R.Barker (Rare status in SA)  KI

– Cryptandra scabrida Tate

– Spyridium halmaturinum (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth. var. scabridum (Tate) J.M.Black

– Spyridium scabridum Tate, nom.inval. pro syn.

   Spyridium stenophyllum (Reissek) Kellermann & W.R.Barker ssp. renovatum Kellermann & W.R.Barker  GT  EP  NL  MU

– Cryptandra bifida auct.non (F.Muell.) F.Muell.: Tate(1890), partly

– Spyridium bifidum auct.non (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth.: Bentham(1863), partly

– Spyridium bifidum var. bifidum auct.non (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth.: J.M.Black(1926), partly

   Spyridium stenophyllum (Reissek) Kellermann & W.R.Barker ssp. stenophyllum  EP

– Cryptandra bifida auct.non (F.Muell.) F.Muell.: Tate(1890), partly

– Spyridium bifidum auct.non (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth.: Bentham(1863), partly

– Spyridium bifidum var. bifidum auct.non (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth.: J.M.Black(1926), partly

– Trymalium stenophyllum Reissek

   Spyridium subochreatum (F.Muell) Reissek  ?FR  EP  NL  MU  YP  SL  SE

– Cryptandra subochreata (F.Muell.) F.Muell.

– Pomaderris subochreata F.Muell. ex Reissek

– Spyridium subochreatum (F.Muell.) Reissek var. laxiusculum J.M.Black

– Spyridium subochreatum (F.Muell.) Reissek var. subochreatum

– Trymalium behrii F.Muell. ex Reissek

   Spyridium thymifolium Reissek  SL  KI

– Cryptandra obovata auct.non (Hook.) Hook.f.: Tate(1890)

– Spyridium coactilifolium Reissek var. integrifolium Benth.

– Spyridium stuartii Reissek & F.Muell. ex Reissek

– Spyridium thymifolium Reissek, partly

– Trymalium stuartii F.Muell. ex Reissek, nom.inval. pro syn.

   Spyridium tricolor W.R.Barker & Rye (Vulnerable status in SA)  ?NU  EP

– Spyridium sp. W.R.Barker(1984)

   Spyridium vexilliferum (Hook.) Reissek  EP  NL  SL  KI  SE

– Cryptandra vexillifera Hook.

– Spyridium eriocephalum Fenzl var. vexilliferum (Hook.) F.Muell.

– Spyridium vexilliferum (Hook.) Reissek var. latifolium Benth.

– Spyridium vexilliferum (Hook.) Reissek var. vexilliferum

   Spyridium waterhousei F.Muell.  KI

– Cryptandra waterhousei (F.Muell.) F.Muell.

– Cryptandra waterhousii (F.Muell.) F.Muell., orth.var.

– Spyridium waterhousii F.Muell., orth.var.

– Stenanthemum waterhousei (F.Muell.) Benth.

– Stenanthemum waterhousii (F.Muell.) Benth., orth.var.


   Stenanthemum leucophractum (Schltdl.) Reissek  FR  EP  NL  MU  YP  SL  KI  SE

– Cryptandra leucophracta Schltdl.

– Spyridium leucophractum (Schltdl.) F.Muell.

– Trymalium leucophractum F.Muell. ex Reissek

   Stenanthemum notiale Rye ssp. notiale  EP  MU

– Cryptandra tridentata auct.non Steud.: Canning(1986)

– Spyridium tridentatum auct.non (Steud.) Benth.: Canning(1986)

– Stenanthemum tridentatum auct.non (Steud.) Reissek: Canning(1986)