Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
Census of SA Plants, Algae & Fungi
Identification tools
Census of South Australian Plants
State Herbarium of South Australia

Names in the Census are linked to eFlora Fact Sheets. The Fact Sheet output comprises:
  • synonyms, regional and overseas distribution
  • textual information and illustrations from the 4th edition of the FLORA OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA (1986), the 2nd edition of ACACIAS OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA (1992)
    and the 6 volume MARINE BENTHIC FLORA OF SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA (1984-2003); information from these books may be partly out-of-date.
  • current thumbnail distribution maps based on the existing collections in the State Herbarium of South Australia (Infraspecific taxa are not available at this time).
Work on a new, 5th edition of the FLORA OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA is currently on the way, with several chapters already published online.
New and up-dated treatments will be released regularly. Information from this new edition will be incorporated into the eFloraSA fact sheets in the near future.

List of current names and synonyms for the search term
Final data modification on:
Saturday 29 June 2024 2:45 AM
Web page created on:
Monday 1 July 2024 12:55 AM

ROSACEAE  100.143


*  Rubus anglocandicans A.Newton (Declared SA plant)  FR*  EP*  NL*  SL*  KI*  SE*

– Rubus aff. armeniacus Focke : Evans & Weber(2003)

– Rubus discolor auct.non Wiehe & Nees: Symon(1993)

– Rubus fruticosus auct.non L.: Jessop(1993), partly

– Rubus procerus auct.non P.J.Mull. ex Boulay: H.Eichler(1965)

*  Rubus erythrops Edees & A.Newton (Declared SA plant)  NL*  SL*  SE*

– Rubus fruticosus auct.non.L.: Jessop(1993), partly

– Rubus koehleri auct.non Weihe & Nees: Symon(1993)

?e Rubus idaeus L.  SL?e

*  Rubus laciniatus Willd. (Declared SA plant)  SL*

– Rubus fruticosus auct.non L.: Jessop(1993), partly

*  Rubus leucostachys Schleich. ex Sm. (Declared SA plant)  FR?e  EP*  NL*  SL*  KI?e

– Rubus fruticosus auct.non L.: J.M.Black(1948), partly

– Rubus ulmifolius auct.non Schott: Symon(1993), partly

*  Rubus × loganobaccus L.H.Bailey  EP*  NL*  SL*  KI*  SE*

*  Rubus moluccanus L.  SL*?id

– Rubus hillii F.Muell.

   Rubus parvifolius L.  MU  SL  KI  SE

– Rubus triphyllus Thunb.

*  Rubus phaeocarpus W.C.R.Watson (Declared SA plant)  SL*

– Rubus fruticosus auct.non L.: Jessop(1993), partly

*  Rubus riddelsdellii Rilstone (Declared SA plant)  SL*

– Rubus fruticosus auct.non L.: Jessop(1993), partly

*  Rubus rubritinctus W.C.R.Watson (Declared SA plant)  SL*

– Rubus fruticosus auct.non L.: Jessop(1993), partly

*  Rubus rugosus Sm.  SL*

– Rubus hillii auct.non F.Muell.: H.Eichler(1965)

– Rubus moluccanus auct.non L.: J.M.Black(1948)

*  Rubus sp. Scott Creek (D.E.Symon 16054) Symon  SL*

*  Rubus ulmifolius Schott var. anoplothyrsus Sudre (Declared SA plant)  EP*  MU*  SL*  SE*

– Rubus inermis auct.non Pourret: European authors

– Rubus ulmifolius Schott cv. inermis

*  Rubus ulmifolius Schott var. ulmifolius (Declared SA plant)  NL*  SL*  KI*

– Rubus fruticosus auct.non L.: J.M.Black(1948), partly

*  Rubus vestitus Weihe & Nees (Declared SA plant)  SL*

– Rubus aff. fuscus Weihe : H.Eichler(1965)

– Rubus aff. mucronulatus Boreau : Symon(1986)

– Rubus fruticosus auct.non L.: J.M.Black(1948), partly